InsyaAllah, we are going back to kelantan malam nih
to attend my abg ipar wedding 2morrow huhuhu...
hmmm tak tahu la boleh smpi kul berapa and harap2
my hubby dpt menahan matanye nnt hehehe..takpe papa,
mama already bought a lot of eating stuff tonite...hopefully
all kids dapat tdo lena malam nih..doakan kami selamat sampai
ke sana...okla need to get ready and still waiting for my hubby
fetching the kids from taska **sigh

baru jek siap packing..harap2 takde ape2 yg tertinggal huhu
ini tak termasuk lagik beg susu budak2 huhu
aik.. sketnyer beg.. cm balik 2, 3 ari je kak..