hmmmm i'm wonder camne la ade ppl yang boleh pikirkan quotes² nih...from life experience maybe.......the words seems simple tapi meaningnye sgt mendalam :) sometimes needs sumething camni to motivate diri sendiri (^^)
By Albert Einstein
1.“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”
2.“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
3.“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
4. “The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
kalu nak list kan quotes² nih mmg tak cukup list...too many.. bukan shj dr AE tapi ramai lagik .. aku rase aku nak create satu quotes pun takleh hehehe...maybe amik masa sebulan kot utk come out with one quotes hahahaha...tapi rasenye org yang banyak experience dlm life nih mesti banyak sgt view yang dieorg perolehi...emmmm rasenye bukan sume org ade peluang utk memvariasikan hidup ...certain ppl have courage too commit with anything yang dtg kpd mereka...tapi loads off ppl are scared to face mende2 camnih...emmm aku rase aku tergolong dlm kategori "loads" tu huhuhu...aku mmg jenis takut utk start new things la, everything will be friends, new ways, new environment...sumenye "new" la...tapi, tak semestinye sume yang new itu "bad"...maybe yang "new" itula yang akan membawa kite to happier life *wink
mungkin suatu hari nnt u will be so glad that u have chosed this path and at the end u will become one of the positif ppl :)

- the end-