Hmmm..as usual bile isnin jek "Monday Blues" akan melanda ...mcm satu wabak je, sebab bukan aku sorang jek yang terasa, tapi most of my colleague pun sama hahaha..tak tau la camne la perasaan camnih leh wujud...maybe kite terlampau "best" duk kat umah for the whole 2 days or maybe the working environment is not so xcited as before huhuhu...ntahla banyak sgt possibilities kan..anyway ade masa lagik 4 hours ++ lagik utk angkat kaki and chow :)
Pagi tadi masa tgh takde mood nak wat kije tuh, aku terpanggil utk membaca 1 article nih..the title is so xciting “ Why are some People so Motivated? ” hahaha rase nak tergelak jek baca title tu sebab skang nih sungguh la de-motivatednye dgn current situation kat opis... so most of the topics state that the leader/managers/employers plays the vital role utk menjadikan staff² nye motivated all the time...so aku pun tertanye²..adakah my Boss mcm nih??? hahaha...
Then, ramai gak yang mengatakan bahawa job appreciation is also the main reason to felt motivated.. yeah betul tuh sebab kite dah berkerja berhempas pulas utk company tapi at the end nobody recognize us...bile rase nak gune kite punye expertise barula tercari², tapi bile rase tak perlu, buang kite mcm sampah jek huhuhu...kejam tul la !! hmmm and the last statement yang paling aku suke ialah "External motivation comes from good company working culture, rooms for mistakes so that people won’t be afraid to try or voice out something new". Hmmmm when it comes up with "rooms for mistakes" there are not many ppl around who dare to take this as an oppurtunity... For me, when we do mistakes, then we learnt something..am i right..tapi jgn la do the same mistakes all over again..itu bukan oppurtunity namanye tapi masalah la plak hehehhe..tapi itu la kan setiap org ade pandangan masing² utk menilai baik buruk sesuatu perkara tu...so ape2 pun, i need to find sumething to make myself motivated again...ntah la, dgn condition skang nih, it's very hard to do so huhuhu...buat la ape² pun sama gak..buat masa skang nih my Family come 1st in everything that i do...tibe² plak rindu kat budak² tu huhu..
Mama loves both of you mmmuaaahhhh ......
- till we meet again in another entry-
"External motivation comes from good company working culture, rooms for mistakes so that people won’t be afraid to try or voice out something new".
ReplyDeletehehehe...this quote is so impossible la..
rasa2nye, in this current situation, most of the company require the overwhelming outcome and very outstanding results...therefore, for us to accidentally make mistake seems unforgettable and unforgiven....maybe leader or our bosses are the main factor to this..
so there goes our bosses and leaders..i think everyone understand their expectation...NO MISTAKE!!!
p/s: kite pun rasa demotivated sebab mcm kebebasan kite ditentukan oleh mereka....huhu...